January 18
some new Heavy Rotation – Denmark’s The City Kill “Days Full of Joy”, angsty, slow, reverby, immortal souls-y… doom in the swamp…
stream Days Full of Joy on Bandcamp
January 20
some serious Heavy Rotation – San Antonio ‘gazers Vanity Press’ track “Don’t Fall in Love” has been an absolute favorite since I first heard it (~sept of 10) – feedback + distortion + extremely laid back vox + hypnotic rhythm section = beauty music
stream on soundcloud
February 11
Heavy rotation: Big Soda’s Paper Route 7″. 3 piece indie/punk w/ extremely catchy & short songs, clearly influences by late 80’s/early 90’s SST-ish/Chapel Hill-ish sounds without sounding like a blatant rip off. Free download from below link. They also have a later demo @http://bigsodamusic.bandcamp.com/
free download here
February 26
Heavy Rotation: and highly recommended… 5 piece, all-female, Australian psychedelic punk. They sound like the Stooges jamming with Bardo Pond :) They have a CD, a 12″ EP, and a 7″ – I believe all out of print, but all streamable from their bandcamp page. Many many many plays this week… start w the Eternal Sphere EP…
stream at bandcamp
February 27
Heavy rotation: 93MillionMilesFromTheSun’s 2nd full length “Northern Sky”… sounds like early Wire slowed down to Loop speeds with unholy amounts of reverb. A fairly zen-like listening experience. Final track “Sonic Assault” is truly bludgeoning. The readers of “Shoegazer Alive 5b” blog voted this “Best Shoegaze Album of 2011″… Not sure where you can stream the album, but they have a few tracks on their facebook page and they have a bandcamp page with some EPs (but not this album unfortunately.) RIYL: Loop, Flying Saucer Attack
…somebody else’s review…
April 10
Shoppers’ “Silver Year” was easy top 10 of 2011 (the first year with tons of good since about ’92-’93)…. noisy chaotic over the top old school “no wave” gtr dstrtd punk… (think dustdevils, but a lot denser.) they put out an LP, a split 7″ and a couple demo cassettes (most streamable from their bandcamp page) . sad to see their status is now “RIP” :(
stream @ bandcamp
the lyrics sheet from the Shoppers LP “Silver Year”: “you cannot defeat the darkness, you can only be the light” RIP
May 3
sounds promising… 11 Boston bands (including recent favorites Young Adults & Guillermo Sexo) cover Ride’s Nowhere album… {but I haven’t dropped a needle on this one yet, so don’t quote me…}
free download @ clicky clicky music blog
May 3
heavy rotation… Martyr Privates s/t 7″… Brisbane Aus, former Slug Guts, here making music to take drugs to make music to…
streaming at bandcamp